

The medical sytems and the corporations do not what to reveal the truth about anything.

One can not make an informed choice without the correct information. About 50% of all scientific studies are skewed to be in line with one sort of political opinion or another. When the facts are finally revealed, the game is to always change the subject to: they are crazy, they are colored, they are female, they are gay, they are foreign, they are a Yankee, they are what ever to explain why the information is incorrect, instead of correcting the information. The Depopulation Agenda is real and has been unstoppable. Corporate crime is organized and intentional. 99% of American have no idea what poisons they have been exposed to. Reading this book gives you the background to investigate your own health and to help you create the foundation to extend life span. Compare to similar credible and well documented books such as Population Control by Jim Marrs (2015) that expose conspiracy theory as conspiracy fact. I rate it as 4 star since it would have to be tens of thousand of pages long to be complete, but then no one would read it. It is a 5 star rating for those that want a very dense summary of information. The author has consulted with …

swimboy, Amazon

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